Milk and sport, a winning combination

Sport is part of everyday life. Swimming, cycling, football, running and other gym-based activities are the most common ones.

Among the most recommended food we can name milk and dairy products as important sources of high-quality protein, lactose and vitamins (A, B2, B12 and D) and excellent sources of calcium. The macro and micronutrients in milk and its derivatives make these products necessary at all stages of life and even more so for those who are regularly physically active.

The main benefits

1.- Increased hydration: During practicing sport, the body loses fluids, normally more than is ingested, so hydration is very important when doing any physical activity. In this regard, electrolytes, nutrients found in milk, are mineral particles that help the body to maintain the correct level of hydration. In addition, milk, by providing water and mineral salts, facilitates slower gastric evacuation than other beverages, which allows liquids to remain in the body for a longer period of time.

2.- Better physical recovery: Another of the effects of sports is the decrease in glycogen and polysaccharide levels. This loss is combated by ingesting carbohydrates, which provide energy and maintain a higher insulin level than other types of sugars, helping physical recovery after exercise.

3.- Increased physical endurance: Through the bloodstream, dairy products promote a greater uptake of sugars and, therefore, a greater recovery of glycogen. In addition, the presence of fats in dairy products increases the levels of circulating fatty acids in the blood, increasing physical endurance.

4.- Regeneration and increase in muscle mass: Dairy products also provide proteins which, like carbohydrates, promote the regeneration of muscle mass and the formation of joints. Thus, consuming dairy products during and after sports prevents muscle fibre breakdown and reduces the possibilities of muscle injury. In addition, protein is essential for muscle mass gain, one of the main goals of sport as well as joy, and fat loss.

5.- Greater absorption of minerals and vitamins: Finally, one of the most important minerals contained in dairy products is calcium, which helps to maintain bones and teeth. Likewise, vitamins B12 and D contribute to the formation of red blood cells, improving the transport of oxygen in the former, and allowing the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the latter.